Conan v2 migration
Scheduled Maintenance Report for ConanCenter
The Conan Center Continuous Integration is restored to its normal status.

Some Conan v2 may be missing on Conan Center, but it's expected as not all recipes are ported.

In case of any abnormal error, please, comment on your pull request, pinging one of CCI maintainers, or open an issue describing the problem.
Posted Mar 10, 2023 - 19:36 UTC
We are continuing to verify the maintenance items.
Posted Mar 06, 2023 - 19:45 UTC
The maintenance has been finished and ConanCenterIndex is back on rails!

Next hours will be watched closely to validate the current state.

Some few packages on ConanCenterIndex can be missing for Conan 2.0. For this kind of situation, the package will be generated internally, when possible.

In case you find anything unusual, please, open an issue to
Posted Mar 06, 2023 - 14:15 UTC
The ConanCenterIndex CI will be restored soon.

Please, avoid closing/opening your active pull requests on ConanCenterIndex, it may overflow the build queue. Also, re-opening a PR will push it to the end of the build list. The CI is prepared to digest all PRs which are waiting since last week.

Also, please, avoid opening new PRs next hours in case they are only minors and may not fix an important/urgent bug. This will contribute on not breaking the build system, as we are expecting more builds than usual on next few days.

Thank you for your patience!
Posted Mar 06, 2023 - 13:52 UTC
We are getting close to finish the Conan v2 migration, but we still need to update part of our Jenkins CI code and fix last recipes. You can check the list of validated recipes with Conan 2.0 here:

As we have a big number of PRs waiting on ConanCenterIndex to be reviewed and built, we should start to build some of them manually by tomorrow, to avoid Jenkins overload and CI crashes.

To avoid any risk of missing packages or even outage of the CI during the weekend, we will restore the ConanCenterIndex CI status by Monday.

We apologize again the delay caused by this long maintenance.
Posted Mar 02, 2023 - 17:05 UTC
We are still working on finalizing some important packages to make them work with Conan 2.0 on ConanCenterIndex.

Given the situation, we will have to postpone maintenance for another 1 or 2 days.

We apologize for the delay and expectation generated.
Posted Feb 27, 2023 - 18:42 UTC
We continue working on internal updates to make Conan 2.0 running on ConanCenterIndex.

So far, we migrated most important recipes to Conan 2.0 by testing on different platforms. We also needed to make CI changes to support Conan 2.0 with ConanCenter.

We still need to finish some details, including base package which, may affect other recipes and synchronize our server to provide those Conan 2.0 packages.

We adjusted the end of maintenance to next Monday (2023-02-27).
Posted Feb 24, 2023 - 10:26 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Feb 20, 2023 - 14:10 UTC
We are getting very close to releasing Conan 2.0 and during the next 3 days we will need to execute important maintenance on our CI server.

Meanwhile, all pull requests will NOT be processed by ConanCenterIndex.

You still can open your pull requests, but keep in mind that your PR will be built only after our maintenance. Also, please, consider porting and testing your recipe with Conan 2.0 first.

For further information, please, read:
- ConanCenterIndex - Conan v2 Roadmap:
- Conan migration guide to 2.0:
Posted Feb 20, 2023 - 14:09 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Conan Center Index Build Service.